Saturday, October 28, 2006
freedom business.preach it brother! realli amazed at how the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully in each n every one of our lives. indeed, we should bring the Good News everywhere we go... bring the Good News that will cheer the hearer!God, i desire to finish the race where You've passed down the baton at. Christian=little Christ. i'm a lil' Christ!!! =) i want to speak of freedom n of faith bcuz i'm a Child Of God! Jesus is the real star n i will follow after His footsteps of love for the ppl.God showed me a simple yet powerful truth; an equation that captures my heart.desire + infilling of the Holy Spirit = God's powerthe time of Jubilee has arrived. God pls use me for the Freedom Business bcuz it is Your business...fill me with the Holy Spirit overflowing in my life.. i want to live a God-centered, word-centered n a life where the Holy Spirit is always at work.. God, i give You my heart n my soul..
what we could have been, 11:30 PM.
madness.i actualli slacked ystd. felt so uneasy, not used to not being busy. some communications breakdown occurred, went to work but wasn't scheduled plus they had enough ppl working on that day le so... at the same time, one of my colleague got sacked n so... i thought it might be a good time to bring Christ in. chatted n chatted, got to know quite alot.waited for the rest to knock off n we headed home. =]God also spoke to me about humility.. humility to apologise even when u din do anything wrong, for the sake of restoration of trust. guess i was wrong, hope later on wun be like that again.wasn't able to get my report book cuz keep forgetting to sign the travel form thingy so... shall go school to exchange the form wif my report book later.=x i dunno wad lies before me but i will trust in You to guide my way..
what we could have been, 7:43 AM.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Ahhhhhh!!!! i'm promoted to sec 4 express!!! yey! so, so relieved when my name was not being called out. was rather worried the whole time before receiving the news. 8 of my classmates were being retained.. realli kinda sad cuz we were classmates for at least 10 months already n the dejected look on their faces jus make me feel that i'm realli blessed that God's grace made a way for me...not at all did i regret achieving such lousy results for end-of-year cuz i realli did my very very best, giving all that i had to every single subject. jus believe that God allow this to happen for a reason.. so that i'll depend even more on Him n that i may be a greater testimony in future! in order to claim God's promise by faith, i know i have to give my 100% effort while God work thru' me. i want to be a steward of the time given to me. i'll use my time wisely during this holidays, gonna buck up on my studies n also grow spiritually,unbelievably ,under God's guidance! hehes. i want to be a participant to get more souls to flood Heaven's gate!!! converts n converts week after week, by faith all will be retained!! St.Hilda's will grow during holidays, Amen! all lost sheeps will return to their Shepherd! no one will be left out of the KOG! it all has to begin somewhere, n i desire to be the one who start it. i have to grow continuously so that the harvest will be able to keep pouring in n i will be able to contain it! Lord, convict my heart of Your heartbeat for the lost, for this is my prayer todae..a new revelation of God's love to me... once you know about His love, you must experience His love n once u've experienced His love, you have to transform it into an offering of worship as seen in your life.. or else it may only mean that you have not experienced His rich love to the full.. it's not jus a head knowledge thingy but what matters is the heart.. n when your heart is convicted about smth, you'll naturally respond or act toward that way.. simple truth yet sometimes hard to grasp.
what we could have been, 11:02 AM.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
thank You.another answered prayer. Holy Spirit moves.. convicted about everything God spoke to me ystd. i yearn to be changed by God!dawned on me that i must be more faithfilled, never to underestimate God power in my life. though i may say that i can't make it ,thru' Christ in me, all things are possible! =) i want to place my total faith in God instead of circumstances.found the answer to the importance of the Great Commission n what is it to me. convicted that my life will never be the same again. what matters to God will matter to me. people need God n Lord.. use me!!! mould me n make my wineskin strong!! so that i'm able to contain the plentiful harvest that You promise to pour in! preparing myself to make a promise to God. (shan't reveal it yet as now..) not prepared yet, mixed feelings. excited cuz i know God honors my promises yet afraid that i may break it unintentionally. =\ However, i'll still keep on praying.. till i receive a breakthru' in my faith n that's when i'm ready to make the promise.set my goals n breakthrus' i want to see coming to past real soon. God, i need more of the Holy Spirit's infilling n more of the fruit of the spirit in me. guide me in Your ways so that i may follow to where You'll lead me to. though i know that i may still fumble at times, i know that You'll hold me n never let me fall..this is my prayer todae that i may get Your heartbeat n convict my heart with Your promises so ever true...
what we could have been, 1:47 PM.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
trapped.trying to break free.. finding a place where i belong.Phsically n emotionally lost my direction. hate to seat in as the accused n never allowed to defend thoughts n feelings jus trapped within me, maybe jus what i wish people would know n understand.. wrong i may be. i know the consequences of my actions but have they wondered why? i guess they dun.yes, i wun deny that i longed for someone to understand me inside out.. i know that there can only be Him one n only Him. He's enough for me. but i can't do it anymore. i can't bring myself to move on bcuz i've trapped myself in.. God pls set my spirit free, set my heart n soul free from the tormented mind i'm dwelling in!! crying n struggling to understand as i type. confused. God, pls help me.
what we could have been, 11:05 AM.
superly duperly tired.quite tough to evenly spread out my energy from going to school to working till late night most of the days. feeling realli zombified. but realli thank God for the journey to n fro alone wif Him, realli an energy-booster jus to read His word n by talking to Him on the train. learnt alot from this working experience, especially patience!!hahas.xDa big hug n a heartfelt thanks to my beloved shepherd, PeiQing! *muacks* realli amazed at how she goes all out for her ppl. one very good example is when she actualli came from Bedok all the way to Harbourfront jus to accompany me home from work. -.-'' you shouldn't have but still i appreciate it lots. =)i noe there's smth more which i have to pray n find out.. Holy Spirit search my heart todae.. God,i may not understand fully why u allow this to happen.. i want to choose not to be affected by the situation.. i noe i will falter, i noe i will cry cuz i'm not strong enough to overcome it alone. help me O Lord, be the strength of my heart.8)"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. 9) As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. [Isaiah55:8-9]
what we could have been, 2:25 PM.
wow!i knew i needed a new vision; one that will motivate n keep me going.prayed n prayed. now, i've received it from God .confirmed it wif God, received a new revelation about fruitfulness. i know this time it will come to past! Amen n Amen! realli convicted about what God has clearly painted fresh in my mind, wif this vision i shall stay focus to follow God to where He'll lead me.. The Promised Land. i believe wif all my heart that God'll move in a great way in my life n there'll be a great breakthru'.God, increase my hunger for You.. annoint me wif Your power.. multiply my compassion for the lost.. burn in me Your courage and strength to fight the spiritual warfare.. guide me in Your way.. shine forth Your light, a lamp unto my feet.. and bring down Your awesome power from above so that others will see n know, You are God! jus one thing... i need You, Jesus take the driver's seat for You are in control.searching deeper. God pls show me, bring me to see the impurities in my life that You may wash them away O Lord.. i want to have a breakthru'! i intent to grow, i want to grow!in You, i'm more than a conqueror!~
what we could have been, 11:45 AM.
seems that God didn't want me to blog about my anger n frustration... so, i'll obey.anyhow.. quite distracted by the horrible ear pressure thingy n my shoulder blade.. but God took away the ear pressure thingy n i could concentrate better during sermon! whee~i dun want to live on yesterday's manna... i want fresh n new manna daily!!! saturate me Holy Spirit. i want to experience Your divine, realli convicted that evangelism is a do or die thingy.. jus walk across the room n do God's thing! cuz if we take faith to share, that person might have a chance to receive salvation; the wonderful experience of Christ's love.. but if we don't do anything.. that person might never get to know of His great love...God, open up my spiritual eyes... help me to see ppl thru' Your lenses.. i want to know n feel Your heartbeat God. use me to do greater things for You, O Lord. i want to grow, grow, grow!!!What is the Great Commission to me? God, show me Your power...
what we could have been, 11:13 PM.
i hope that i would get promoted.. things dun seem good but i'll keep praying. =)these few days, God has always been speaking to me that He is bigger than all else! n i believe He's able. =] i believe that the prophecy i gave during cg ystd was made clear n linked to Cheng's n wad Jiajia shared. God is undeniably awesome n definately true to His promises. i shall claim His promises by faith!couldn't sleep at all. almost fainted while walking home. the pain was untolerable, felt so stiff n uncomfortable. =\ only slept at 4am n woke up at 8 plus, thank God i could at least sleep awhile. thank God for a day rest.. i'll go evax soon! wna see God work thru' me!!! whee~ tatas!
what we could have been, 10:39 AM.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
woolalas.another day of work! thank God i was not late. yea, i knew it'll be really tiring but i'll treasure God's blessing for me. =) reached two mins before 5pm! yey! lols.crazy carys lives up to her name! i'm gg gaga over cheese again!! ahhh... shoo fats shoo! gosh. i ate Nachos for supper, like all to myself noh. u noe that pile of melted cheese on the crackers?? =\ i hope there's no after effects. well, today was not as busy n panicky as the first day. but still.. gave wrong orders. ( blurness acting up again.) quite difficult when a single customer order in huge quantity (for me luh.) yea, gotta know two malay guys.. new colleagues. that's y i guess todae not so busy. yups. silly me, went to hold unto the oven's surface to reach for the pizza on top of it. got scalded =( painpain. ( cuz i am vertically challenged u see..?) -.-''waited for a super duper long time for the train. heard there was an accident in the other line. it was a guy who jumped into railway n got sliced into 3 pieces. =\ gruesome.
what we could have been, 11:50 PM.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
ROFL.lols. guess what? i went to sch as usual yesterday... realised something's wrong on my journey....the haze made my path to school a lil' more mysterious. i tot i was running late when those ppl i usually see rushing to sch at that hour seemed to vanish into thin air. noone was walking on that path except me. worriedly went to sch, hoping that i wasn't late n guess what??the sercurity guards stared hysterically at me. for a moment, i was stunned at the look on their faces n the serenity of the sch. i was later told that there was no school that day!!! it was marking day. ( lameo mag -.-) disappointed.received all my results todae. never did i expect those results. the worst i could ever get. was even worried if i could get promoted to sec 4 express. =(went to meet afew cg members for lunch.. no mood to talk or eat.. jus tried to smile.didn't want to affect my contacts so, didn't stay on to evax. went home to seek God, cried out to God how disappointed i am, all my worries in mind. God's love never fails. He renewed my spirit n comfort me for the results i got n assured me that something lousy will never stay lousy in God! it's hard but i will trust in His promises.. the song that touched me...~~At the cross~O Lord You've searched me, You know my way.Even when i fail You, i know You love me.Your Holy presence, surrounded me.In every season, i know You love me; i know You love me.chorus:At the cross i bow my knee, where Your love was shed for me.There's no greater love than this.You have overcome the grave, glory fills the highest place.What can separate me now?... You go before me, You shield my way.Your hand upholds me, i know You love me.Bridge:You tore the veil, You made the way.And You said that ,"It is done.".And when the earth fades, falls from my eyes.And You stand before me, i know You love me; i know You love me.
what we could have been, 10:46 PM.
Woohoo!first day of work... n i was late!!! *faints*started to learn everything from the scratch, the different tools to be used and my way around the small, cramp lil' kitchen. realli like kinda my "stuff ", like serving customers n smiling at them stuff...but... as usual, the blurness inside of me will creep out at times most unexpected. let me make this clear, it's not about my maths!!! hohos. (nahz, not so sensitive lor.) =x yups, but just kept keying in the wrong numbers n pressing wrong buttons, causing the poor cashier machine to jam in my hands ( or rather, fingers ) can tell that i was quite a "trouble" at that hectic moment, but nevertheless, the colleagues were patient enough to tolerate my booboos. =Pthank God for keeping me safe in that kitchen. hahas, the floor was realli slippery man n i almost gave way to friction. bcuz i'm in Christ, i overcame!... FRICTION! lols. -.-'' but still... it was a total tiring experience, having to stand at the counter for 5 antagonising hours especially for my feet. hahas. but... it was fun!!! =D learnt quite a fair bit n God assured me wif [Rom8:23]. yey!
what we could have been, 11:42 PM.
uh uh... not breaking fast. jus.... yea, gotta do some survey stuff den take the time to chiong blogging some stuff too! whee~ lotsa things happened during the the date for posts!) =Pread on fellow peeps! =D
what we could have been, 9:40 PM.
Gosh! dunno why have been binge-ing n binge-ing alot lately. nooo! what if i become fat?! can't imagine...FAT MAG?? =X sight of food jus makes my eyes sparkle! feels weird cuz food doesn't even bother me at all in the past.. i can make do wif only a meal a day but now... ahhh!!! i'm starting to eat, eat n eat till my folks can't believe that i was, ME! woosh~started to have a craving for cheese recently, n worse of all...CHEESE=FATS!!! =\is God trying to "grow" me sideways too? hehes.
what we could have been, 4:55 PM.
sobs. couldn't sleep well last night... can't toss n turn without feeling the pain. feeling realli different, i'm going to work on Mon!!! ahhh!!! feeling quite stressed up, dunno if i can cope well. =\ but i'll look forward to colleagues whom i can work on! man, shared Christ with pri sch Maths teacher yesterday night on MSN.. a totally scary experience.. dun wish to talk about this further. =x gosh. God pls heal me on time for work on Mon! hope i will be able to cope wif the environment n time will not be wasted. increase my pay soon, boss. i know the pay is little but i know God has a purpose in arranging this job as a blessing for me. those peeps who misses me can go to Vivo city n find me at New York Pizza! =P hohohos. realised that i haven been really fasting for quite some time. n i know i need to someday. realli realli burden for St.Hilda's n also ceratin areas in my life which i want to see a breakthru' in. this time i'm gonna put on the full gear of God n marching forward for battle, no more of jus praying n doing nothing. though one week of fasting from com may not be much, it does matter to me in some way or another. but most importantly, it comes from my heart.. sincerity in fasting n total faith that God is going to move in a big way. i shall officially pass the baton to Qinning to blog on my behalf n ppl pls keep me in ur prayers too! thanks a lot! =) ... will be back in a wk's time 22nd Oct 2006. hees.God is moving!!!
what we could have been, 12:55 PM.
Saturday, October 14, 2006 (lame) hahas... i actualli sprained my back, the area beside my shoulder blade, jus becuz i...A...AH..AHH CHOOooo!wells, nothing to say man. =x jus felt the irritation of being unable to move freely especially for todae!!! ahh!.. can't jump n clap. was biting my knuckle during praise n worship, each time the sharp pain came back. zonked at the stiffness i had to bear wif... but ultimately, realli thank God for the prayer of everyone n the help offered. =D though it was a painful day i had to go thru' but the overflowing presence of the Holy Spirit in me jus completely soothes everything else. learn alot more about the characteristics of the Holy Spirit n how He long to move in our lives. realli greatly encouraged by the prophecy given by Bruce, i know God was addressing to my situation.
jus sense another breakthru' in my walk wif the Lord. the closeness wif God that i've never felt before, i've experienced todae. God jus seemed so so so near, jus right beside me. i thank You for everything You've done for me..
God is the bestest thing that happened to my life! whee~
what we could have been, 10:48 PM.
Rahh!!! so frustrating. *kabooms* i nid jus a lil' respect from u guys.. tired of facing all of u without being able to talk in a nice, polite manner. God pls pls pls bring me out of here!!! ahh!!! was reminded in the shower that all will come to past in God's timing. jus hafta be more more patient n be more of a salt n light. realli burden for certain persons.. dun hafta mention who, jus that... that shouldn't be the way. reflected on myself too... wad's my level of mercy? love? forgiveness? i'm convicted n certain that God is love, i want to follow in His footsteps. how bout u guys? hope u all think about wad i've said earlier on, nobody's perfect yet God died for all. thank God for sending Zephanie to have dinner wif me jus now. though it was a hurried dinner, i've learnt so much from her n Holy spirit nudged me right on time. results n fruits are blessings n what we would like to see.. but sometimes, we jus forgot to look at our growth during tough times... we looked around instead of looking upwards. of course fruits are undeniably awesome n rewarding to our hard work but the most impt thing is how much we've grown n how much closer wif God are we thru' those times.God can use anyone. all He seeks for is a willing heart to serve. status is not all that impt but i truely want to lead God's flock to where He wants to bring us to. i want to see a Hildan CG established, rising up the next generation. i am nothing compared to Your glory Oh Lord.. i come wif few things but a willing heart.God pls use me to extend Your Kingdom..a child in awe of You...
what we could have been, 11:31 PM.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
woooo. sentosa, Siloso Beach!!! hahas... had a lot of fun as a cg todae. played Captain's ball, most of us got dragged down the sea and also played the so called 'Volleyball' (cuz noone realli knew how to play.. ball flew everywhere. lols.)went there to relax n oso to meet the objective of the day which is to bond the cg! first time played the role as a games leader but of course, it's never-ending fun n a challenge to me. came out wif funny n cute cheers wif PeiQing but in the end didn't use.. cuz of my extreme STM!!! hohos.. totally forgot all the cheers so came up wif a few inpromptu wif the help of my team, Tsunami! hehes.sensed a breakthru' in me.. somehow. dun ask me what.. see for urself how. hahas, then that's what i call breakthru' ma... yeaps.. dun worry gal, i didn't blame u... cool momento man! next time when i went ahead to be wif God le den ppl find the slipper will remember of me, cute carys! hees! =Pwent for interview wif Caijuan after combing and literally "excavating" the sand to find my lil' slipper. funny thing is, i forgot to bring a set of formal clothes to change in. (duh, STM again!) but thank God she was busy so... she asked us to call her at 9 plus. n... yey! got the job, starting work right on monday =) woohoo! quite funny la.. two blur queens going home together n guess what happened? we took the wrong train twice! dottydots. yea, i noe.. but still God gave us wisdom n direction so we made our way safely home =)
yup. a tiring but totally "adventurous" day i should say.. this is the day that the Lord had made, i will rejoice n be glad in it! whee~ realli thank God that dad allowed me to go for Breakthru' camp already!!! n the flexible job He gave to meet my need. hahas... realli wanna be a steward of my possessions n blessings, including my beloved guitar!
another day closer wif You..
show me the way where i can go and meet You..
and... last but not least..
tah dah!
The Five Love Languages
My primary love language is probably
Quality Timewith a secondary love language being
Physical Touch.
Complete set of results
Quality Time: | | 10 |
Physical Touch: | | 7 |
Words of Affirmation: | | 7 |
Receiving Gifts: | | 5 |
Acts of Service: | | 1 |
what we could have been, 10:50 PM.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
You are my God.. early in the morning will i, rise to meet You. Rise to meet You~how true is it to start a new day right wif God. after putting aside my 'distractions', went into the room n sat on the bed. thank God, noone's at home to disturb! hoho!.. asked God to fill me up with His peace n to still my heart before Him. jus so keen n excited to experience God in the most tangible way. i know that God'll never shortchange us with His presence when we desire so much to be filled, not to the brim but till it overflows. alwaes thought that there's certain ways to seek God n certain words to say to experience God in the most tangible way.. (harhar, quite dumb actualli.. =x ) but of course, i've found the answer today! =) seeking God is not about the words to use before God or the harder we try to pray n think of God, but it all begins with the heart. our heart condition n hunger are the key to God's presences. repent, humble self before God, pour out to God, be still.. n listen. i should say that it's realli important to listen after complaining or crying out to God. it's totally pointless to pray or intercede without listening to what God has to say. seeking God, looking for an answer? listen, and God'll reply.[John 15:7] [Psalm 138:3a].took up my guitar n started playing songs after songs. thru' different songs i meditated on those beautiful lyrics which simply touched my heart. still, something's jus missing. i know i wanted something even more! put down my guitar at a side, i began to sing in tongues. as i sang n sang, something deep within jus made me even more on fire, more courageous to ask God for more. my soul was definately edified. i prayed n inquired of the Lord for directions n to satisfy my soul's thirst. God spoke in two verses in the bible n i saw Him holding my hands!!! i can promise that i'm definately not day-dreaming or imagining things, it's jus so so real n still freshly vivid in my mind as i'm blogging now. i went another step ahead. this is the exciting part!!! if u happen to miss anything or forgot about what i've said earlier on...dun miss this part!!! " God, pls speak... i'm listening." i boldly asked. guess what?? i heard God whispering to me! He spoke in such a small still voice but i captured the first few words... " My child, i love you.." immediately, i melted. found myself grining from ear to ear. i jus can't explain.. it's definately not made up. God is real. guess when u've experienced that touch urself, u'll understand what i'm talking about. =) [Matt 7:7]
what we could have been, 7:17 PM.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
[continued...]jus in a relapse of time. went into a deep thought. Holy spirit searched down deep, brought me back to the Essence of Love, ..God. heart n soul renewed once again towards the fundamentals of all fundamentals.. which is God's love.never had i been so held back by my thoughts before, jus simply.. in awe. how real God was, is and will be in my life.. how God was by my side when i needed Him, how He picked me up after each time i fall, the times when i saw only one pair of footprints, was how He carried me thru'...jolted back to the reality of where i know n am sure that God can be so so tangible n real in many ways n at all times... the fact is... i know how much He realli means to me. was reminded n assured that He is a personal God, an intimate friend and can be one only if i allow Him to be. i may not know where God'll lead me or how my days to come will be like, but one thing's for sure.. i know i'm on the right path. life on earth is jus a benchmark to eternity. desiring to be even more childlike n faith-filled. God, it's You i live for everday! no greater words to express my love for You but... I LOVE YOU~[Romans 8:38-39]
what we could have been, 10:19 PM.
DANCE DANCE DANCE!!! lols. yey...the 'freedom' i know! hahas.. yea man, exams are finally over! so many things i've planned to do n bet it's gonna be fruitful. Thank You God for bringing me thru' and His grace during the stressful moments... whee~ okays. shall continue blogging ltr... KFC! budbud n sally waiting le... hees =x
what we could have been, 12:18 PM.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
i know..still struggling in certain areas...i shall allow God to take control of my fears n uncertainty. thoroughly refreshed today.. still, i want a rate fast recovery.. well, guess the calling was made obvious to me. still had that feeling. i've lost touch, insignificant. can't express it out but God i know You understand... that's all i'll ever need to know. seeking more than just what lies infront of me.. the true, personal God to me. nothing means more to me than dwelling in Your presence every second of my lfe...the gentle whisper into my ear then reaches down into my heart..i need more of the shield of faith in my life...
what we could have been, 9:49 PM.
God is good!!! Amen! although jus three simple words but comes deep down from within me...saw how everything linked up. every single decision made without God led to it. totally speechless now... sorry Daddy, sorry. blinded by my own worries, fear n doubt. though it's now back to square one, i will live it to count! i need a breakthru'.. infact many breakthru's in my life Lord. still feeling a little out of place, maybe i don't have the position to make a difference anymore... i dunno. thank You for filling the void, the God-shaped hole of my heart once again...i want to be stronger in You... be more joyful in You... be who You want me to be! a day by day divine exchange.. it all takes time.. heal me Lord.
what we could have been, 6:23 PM.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
struggled hard to break free...i noe someday i will... feels terrible to feel this way. i want to be soaked again.hurts jus to see u cut ur wrist.. the blood, the pain.. yet u dun feel it... anymore?? y do u feel numb to the multiple slashes that seemed so gruesome?? i wud rather feel pain than numbness. i hate u for feeling that way, pls say that it hurts.. will u? ~Something Beautiful~Something beautiful, something good.All my confusions, He understood.All i had to offer Him was my brokeness n strife.But He made something beautiful of my life...>pls sink in deep.. simple yet profound.<
what we could have been, 8:46 PM.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
disappointed.y issit like that??dumbfounded. nth to say anymore.issit going to be soon? will it ever come?i dunno how..
what we could have been, 10:18 PM.
God...i need You now..and forevermore...jus can't live a day without You..
what we could have been, 9:40 PM.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
BANG!!!died..sorrie dear brain... pls rest in peace..lalalas~BIO!!! yey... hope i can 'vomit' everything out tml!SS!!! ahhh... crap, brain died on me todae...feeling dizzy all day, as if i was on a cruise.. yea, cruise on the ocean of exams... duh.Woosh... todae i was jus.. not me.can't think anymore, brain pls filter rubbish out! hahas..looking forward to end of exams n definately END OF SCHOOL!!!nightmare pls dun come true.. i'm afraid as each day draw nearer...wad's my decision? hate thinking.. NOOOO! precious brain cells!!! =x
what we could have been, 9:30 PM.
Gaga!!! woots... man.. diarrehea again!!! God i pray nothing will happen tml!!! =\ Happy Children's Day to all big children out there too!~ whee~ tml's gonna be a mark of breakthru' Amen! =]by faith in the All powerful God!
what we could have been, 9:41 PM.
a super tiring week..pulled thru' by God's grace..wasn't feeling well yesterday, but still God made the way.Jesus please take the wheel.. stressed=desserts! woo~i realli wanna testify for Him wif my results... so that others will see n understand why i put the KOG above all else..God i need Ur compassion for ppl!!! pls dun pass me by Lord.. so many things i've failed to allow You to take control, but still You did not leave me.. many times when i've failed to look upwards instead i looked at myself.. all i have is Yours Lord... it's's jus so true..without self leadership, how can i lead my ppl?? crippled by fear n discouragement..God show me UR way... annoint me wif Ur wisdom n direction... born in me a new vision in my life... God open my eyes to see beyond what i'm doing now... God i noe You're greater in me oh Lord.. there's nothing You cannot do! i want more n even more of You in my life Lord... i want to be like a coffee bean! let my life speak of Ur gospel O Lord.. You are the strength of my heart!~
what we could have been, 12:35 PM.