let the pictures do the talking. (:
we're suppose to act with the "chey" face but i guess we look a lil' weird. =x
i drew this "EC3" thingy on the sand. nice eh? ^^
breathe-taking moments with the Creator Himself.
simply marvel at His creation.
had a great time with the CG at Paris Ris park. ((:
me,huilin,shuhfen,clarissa,yanyu,angeline,melissa,jingjing. (plus jacqueline&sirui who left earlier) realli wow-ed by how God transformed my sheeps' life.
love ya all! <3>
what we could have been, 12:56 AM.
towards 15! (:
the shss pioneering warriors! :D
mixed feelings. =\
i'm sure it's another wave of testing from God.
i don't want to sink beneath it but i want to catch that wave and sail over it.
as i look at those pictures above, i can't help by thanking God for His faithfulness.
indeed, 'all Your promises won't let go of me!'.
i want to claim them by faith and make a difference in St. Hilda's and Springfield.
though i realli realli dread school's re-opening and the many thing-ies that i may fear facing, i want to give my best in cooperating with God to be moulded to be a better person of influence.
i may not be in the shss pioneering team,
there's still a burden and a desire to be used by God to build a seed community in shss.. the many 'lil' Carys' serving God together. awesome eh? ^^
winning the school is never a one-man-show thingy, let God be in the center of everything that we do. (:
take a look at this:
Ten Guidelines From God
1. QUIT WORRYING:Life has dealt you a blow and all you do is sitand worry. Have you forgotten that I am here to take all your burdens and carry them for you?Or do you just enjoy fretting over every littlething that comes your way?
2. PUT IT ON THE LIST:Something needs done or taken care of. Put iton the list. No, not YOUR list. Put it on MY to-do-list. Let ME be the one to take care of the problem. I can't help you until you turnit over to Me. And although My to-do-listis long, I am after all... God. I can take care of anything you put into My hands. In fact, if the truth were ever really known, I take care of a lot of things for you that you nevereven realize.
3. TRUST ME: Once you've given your burdens to Me,quit trying to take them back. Trust in Me. Have the faith that I will take care ofall your needs, your problems and your trials.Problems with the kids? Put them on My list.Problem with finances? Put it on My list. Problems with your emotional roller coaster?For My sake, put it on My list. I want tohelp you. All you have to do is ask.
4. LEAVE IT ALONE: Don't wake up one morning and say, "Well, I'm feeling much stronger now, I thinkI can handle it from here." Why do you thinkyou are feeling stronger now? It's simple.You gave Me your burdens and I'm taking care of them. I also renew your strengthand cover you in my peace. Don't youknow that if I give you these problems back,you will be right back where you started?Leave them with Me and forget aboutthem. Just let Me do my job.
5. TALK TO ME: I want you to forget a lot of things.Forget what was making you crazy.Forget the worry and the fretting because you know I'm in control. But there's onething I pray you never forget. Please, don'tforget to talk to Me - OFTEN! I love YOU! I want to hear your voice. I want you to include Me in on the things going on in your life.I want to hear you talk about your friends and family. Prayer is simply you havinga conversation with Me. I want to be yourdearest friend.
6. HAVE FAITH:I see a lot of things from up here that you can't see from where you are. Have faith inMe that I know what I'm doing. Trust Me;you wouldn't want the view from My eyes.I will continue to care for you, watch over you,and meet your needs. You only have to trust Me.Although I have a much bigger task than you,it seems as if you have so much trouble just doing your simple part. How hard can trust be?
7. SHARE:You were taught to share when you were only two years old. When did you forget? That rule still applies. Share with those who areless fortunate than you. Share your joy withthose who need encouragement. Share your laughter with those who haven't heard any insuch a long time. Share your tears with thosewho have forgotten how to cry. Share your faithwith those who have none.
8. BE PATIENT:I managed to fix it so in just one lifetimeyou could have so many diverse experiences.You grow from a child to an adult, have children, change jobs many times, learn many trades,travel to so many places, meet thousandsof people, and experience so much. How canyou be so impatient then when it takes Me a little longer than you expect to handle something on My to-do-list? Trust in My timing, for My timing is perfect. Just because I created the entire universe inonly six days, everyone thinks I should always rush, rush, rush.
9. BE KIND:Be kind to others, for I love them just as much as I love you. They may not dress like you, or talk like you, or live the same wayyou do, but I still love you all. Please tryto get along, for My sake. I created each of you different in some way. It would be too boring if you were all identical. Please, know I love each of your differences.
10. LOVE YOURSELF: As much as I love you, how can you notlove yourself? You were created by me forone reason only -- to be loved, and to lovein return. I am a God of Love. Love Me.Love your neighbors. But also love yourself. It makes My heart ache when I see youso angry with yourself when things go wrong. You are very precious to me.Don't ever forget......
to read more about it..
lots whirling in my mind right now.
God, i lay my life in surrender.
listening--Oceans Will Part
what we could have been, 11:25 PM.