"We cannot control circumstances because we do not know what will happen today and tomorrow. However, we can control how we respond to them. We can also control whether an experience make us a bitter person or a better person. What happens in life is not so much what happens to us, but what happens in us."Koped this statement or quote from Karchun's blog. =xreally found it so meaningful and it happened to be what i'm going thru' now..Who would agree that serving God is tough?*Me waving frantically*hahas, well.. but more than ever i would never deny that serving God is a joy and to be able to serve God itself is a great privillege to me. :DDFacing spiritual warfare, many of us fell sick including myself.Thoughts flying, emotions stirred up.As scary as it may sound, it is real.Lord i pray in Jesus' name that You'll be that spiritual covering over all my brothers and sisters, especially the DMM and Leadership team! Guard our hearts and mind against negativity and discouragements! Amen! ((:yay! thank God for the 12 confirmed visitors in my mini group for the Amazing Food Race this coming Monday! ahhh, i still can't believe it.. the number of visitors!! it is so beyond us but i know that it's not what we can do but what GOD CAN DO! ^^ woo!~ so excited! ((: Really hope to connect all these contacts well and get to know them better thru' the time we are going to spend together scouting for food and travelling! ^^ whee~Also, we warmly welcome NIJI aka YAN AN into ENGIT 3!~ :DDmy heart just felt so overjoyed to see another person renewing her relationship with God! (: Indeed, like what Pris said.. " We're 13 now, 18 more to break 20 and hit 30!" YESYES! that's the kind of enthusiasm we should have in living our lives for God. It's not because of the numbers but because we see how God moves in both our lives and in the lives of those repented sinners. (:Praise God for all these blessings in my life,Thank You Daddy!~ :D
what we could have been, 9:23 PM.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
God nudged my heart,Do i still see and believe that CG,7 will come to past?heal my heart and make it clean, open up my eyes to the things unseen!i want to believe! i want to increase in my faith! gahhh~all my rantings but yes, i'm reminded of last wk's sermon..God works in the atmosphere of faith and i really got to trust and believe despite the current situations.Daddy, help me!~-i pray..
what we could have been, 1:28 AM.
wooow, blog's rotting.. shall update now! :Dhere is my reflection on my short term missions trip to Kuching! (:I really thank God for being able to go for this missions trip to Kuching. Though there were many last minute changes, praise God that everything still proceed on smoothly. (: Through this 7 days serving God in a foreign country, my life has been changed and my heartbeat for missions grew even more.
At first, my original intention of going to Kuching was just to get an experience of serving God in another country, find out if i really have the desire to go church planting one day and also to impart and learn from the people there. However, through this 7 days, God totally changed my perspective of missions.
To me, the most memorable part of the whole missions trip would be the days we spent at the longhouses. Living in a not-so-comfortable environment was definitely a challenge and yet a breakthrough for me. I was pretty much afraid of the creepy crawlies, bathing in cold water and not to forget.. cats!! But praise the Lord, i managed to see myself have a small step of breakthrough in all these areas. :D And i believe God made me go through all these "experiences" to show me how blessed i am to be living in Singapore. The villagers there were very hospitable, serving and loving. Even though there was a certain language barrier between the villagers and us, they would still give us a warm smile whenever they see us. The countless breakfasts that they took effort to prepare for us every morning, when we're still sleeping, really melt our hearts. Their sincerity and genuinely love for one another really touches me deep inside, they are indeed people who are just purely simple and joyful from the inside. God reminded me of how i should be like them as well, a child of God who loves Him with a simple heart. (: Also, i would want to learn from their spirit of excellence and servant-hood.. to be someone who gives my best to God and His Kingdom, more of Him and less of me.
In this missions trip, i was given the opportunity to share my life testimony during one of the MCGs. I really thank God for the chance to share my faith to a group of people far from home but i know they share one common thing with me, that is a relationship with Christ! (: Through sharing my life testimony, i was once again reminded of God's faithfulness in my life and how He has transformed and changed my life completely. i am just so grateful.. :D
God also used me to speak a word of knowledge to one of the villagers who wanted to be prayed for to bear a child. As i spoke to her and heard her response, i knew immediately that it was from God and it really encourages me a lot to know that indeed prayer comes a long way and it increased my faith too. (: As we went from house to house to pray for each villager and their family of their needs, i could really sense strongly their love and dependence on God which really made me ponder.. people living under such conditions can be so hungry and eager to seek and also receive from God, how about us living in our own comfort? Are we also as hungry to seek God in our lives?
Had the pleasure to talk to, one of the sisters from Hope Sri Aman, Sister Empina. She shared to me about vision and burden for the people of the longhouses.. as she shared, i could see that sparkle in her eyes and her love for people. Though in the past as she started to pioneer the longhouses, the villagers did not look up to her due to her height, gender and the difference in the language they speak. However, she kept her faith in God and continue to share God's love with them and God sowed a seed in their lives. Now, out of the ten longhouses in Lingga, eight of them has already been saved! All these salvations would have been impossible if not for the vision, faith and perseverance of this sister and God's grace. I am really inspired by her life and God has used her to plant a vision of a missionary in my heart and further convicts me of going for church planting in future, especially in a country where they are Malays. (:
I also am very blessed by the people serving in Hope Kuching. Even though it was their holidays, they took meticulous care of us by being a good host and hostess and they also make sure they bring us to places with good food, cheap things to buy and to enjoy the nice scenery around Kuching. Their sacrificial love and giving indeed made us felt so welcomed. :D We also attended their youth service, Sunday service and half night prayer meeting. It was indeed encouraging to see people from another Hope church serving God so fervently too! (:
Through this trip, i've also acquired skills that can be applied in our ministry in Singapore. As we interacted and shared our lives with the Hope Kuching people, we realised that there were certain underlying issues they have been dealing with.. certain wrong concepts some of the people have. We were very concerned as we know that these wrong concepts are and will be stumbling blocks that would hinder their personal growth and also affect their ministry. So we really prayed for the people as we evaluated, analyse their root issue and spoke to them indirectly through the Holy Spirit's empowerment. Praise the Lord that we saw how some individuals started to shift their perspective and concept for the better! ((: We were really amazed at how God used us to make a difference and overjoyed to know that God will continue to do something in their hearts! :D Through this experience, i've really learned to look to God instead of my own limitations. Our limitations should not be an excuse to our lack of faith to believe that God will move no matter the situation.
Lastly, i am thankful for the fun bunch of team mates that went for this missions for me and i thank God for placing a burden for people in each and every one of our hearts! Yes indeed, want to encourage those who have not went for missions before, do go for it at least once in your lifetime! It's definitely worth it.. Act locally, dream and impact globally!~ :D
Jorris and Magnortoise ((: Jorris look so motherly hor? tsk! >.<
Baby Mag and Mag :D hee!
simple life, simple faith, simple love for God.. ^^(the kids are playing with a tiny lil' frog! awww~ )
the last house visitation.. really enjoy the villagers' warm and hospitality. :DD
group photo with Ah Yieng at Hope Church Kuching!~ ((:
buddy and i at one of Kuching's biggest shopping malls. <3i wish i had the bears at home! HAHA!~
And again, i want to shout out : "Photography is lovely!~" ((:
Jorris and me in the bus on the way to Sri Aman!~wooooo~ indeed, it was a loooooooooooong journey! =x
group photo taken while waiting for the sampan at Sri Aman. (:from left to right: Leslie, Jorris, Mag, Lestari and Buma. (Lem was in the toilet.~)
when we got bored while waiting... hee!1, 2...3!~ cheese! :DDtada~The End. (:(more to come though! ^^)
what we could have been, 12:17 AM.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
hee!yesh, i'm back from missions at Kuching. ((:so so so much to share that it's quite impossible to share in one post. but i'll find chance to blog it down when i have the time to. >.<well, i guess i'll be pretty busy from now onwards till school officially reopens..can't wait for Leadership Camp this friday!~ :Danyhow, just wanna take this opportunity to just share a little about the mission trip here. i truly enjoyed the missions trip and i really thank God for the opportunity to be able to go for it! :DDWitnessing how the villagers in Lingga hunger to know more about God and how they are so loving and serving to one another, really makes me reflect about my own life.. i believe in Singapore, sometimes we do take things for granted. The villagers lived a simple life and have their own problems too but yet they are so eager to learn more about God. Compared to us, we ought to be ashamed. =x We live in such a luxury that sometimes we even complain about what we're given, and still, we're not as hungry for more of God in our lives. what an irony eh? hahas.There's really so much more that i've learnt but i shall leave it to another day..But one thing that i've brought back with me to Singapore is a burden for the people; both the body of Christ and the lost. The entire missions simply showed me the importance of living a righteous life before God. Sometimes it can be so easy to fall into a life of complacency, thinking that we're good enough. Are we so aware of our lives that if any area in our lives is not right in the eyes of the Lord, or realised any areas in our ministry that can be improved and really do something about it to make it better or make it right before God?Indeed, people matters to God. And no matter who you are or where you come from, God's love never fails. That i'm very very sure of. :D Through talking to some of the believers in Hope Kuching, i really feel very burdened. Shall not say too much here, but if even believers need God so much... what more those who have yet a relationship with Him? gahh, i'm not good with words and i seriously don't know how to express that feeling.. =\ But yes, i want to do something. (:-no more fluctuating! ((:
what we could have been, 2:24 AM.